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Sarabande’s Young Professionals Board cultivates a community of energized, arts-engaged leaders. Board members gain access to exclusive networking and leadership opportunities and an insider’s look at independent book publishing at Sarabande Books. 

Young professionals board Members

Kaitlyn Burd, Member
Technical Writer, Amatrol

Jonathon Crump, Member
Lead Barista, Quills Coffee

Madison Cyr, Member
Writer, Resources Manager, KPMG LLP

Amy Shah, Executive Board Chair
Psychiatrist, Seven Counties

Membership Perks

  • Subscription to frontlist Sarabande titles 

  • 10 happy hours per year hosted by Sarabande Books 

  • Exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the publishing process, from acquisition to finished product 

  • Leadership opportunities with Sarabande’s local outreach and events 

  • Discounted entry to ticketed events 

  • Special thanks on Sarabande’s website and catalog 

  • Path to leadership with Sarabande’s Board of Directors 


Annual board dues are determined using a sliding scale, which adjusts due requirements based on self-disclosed annual income reports. The minimum due amount is $0, and the maximum due amount is $300. Members may waive the right to self-disclose annual income if no adjustment from the maximum due amount is requested. Dues may be paid in monthly installments or in full at the beginning of a member’s tenure. A discount of $250 is available if the due amount is paid in full at the beginning of a member’s tenure. For more information, contact Lacey Trautwein or complete this online application.

Members: Pay dues by clicking here.